Earlier today I stumbled across some Web writing I did for Seagate -- the hard drive manufacturers. In one of the pieces, I wrote about the need for remote access to your data and a simple, but effective, means of backing up your data when working remotely.
The first heading that started the piece off was: Confessions of a Cafe Writer. I was in a hurry when I wrote the piece, and didn't have anyone lined up to interview as my subject matter expert, so I made him up, or, more accurately, interviewed myself.
While I was looking over the piece -- in a cafe, by the way -- I realized how apt that statement was and how it fit this blog even more than its "Tablet Writer" moniker. Now let me be clear here -- I still intend to cover tablet PCs and how they fit into the writing life, but the reality is, I rarely do. This has become more a stream-of-consciousness experiment, because, to be frank, I don't have the time or the desire to really plan/write/edit/rewrite pieces as I should. So the new title just seems more apt...
And I like it (:
I think this title is more evocative. I'm expecting some "Sex and writer in the city" stuff now, though
I like the new title better as well.
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