I found some transparent gadgets for Windows 7 desktop, and, well, they’re beautiful. Here’s my current desktop (listening to The Weakerthan’s Live CD through the Zune player).
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- Clifford
- This is me and one of my two cats. His name is Cougar, and he’s an F1 Chausie. A chausie is a new breed of cat under development. Chausies are the result of a cross between a domestic cat (in Cougar’s case, a Bengal) and a jungle cat (Felis Chaus). Cougar’s mom is 8 pounds and his father is a 30-pound jungle cat. He’s about 16 pounds, super intelligent, spirited, and toilet trained. A writer without a cat (or two) is not to be trusted.
My backup laptop, an old Thinkpad T40 I bought in 2003, had its Windows XP corrupted.
Naturally, IBM had provided no XP reinstall CD "for my convenience". Instead, there was an XP "Restore" feature partitioned on the hard drive. Except that, when I tried to Restore XP, the whole system crashed.
A reinstall XP CD would have been far more convenient.
Luckily, my files were all backed up. My main laptop, a Lenovo Z61m (purchased in 2006) also has XP.
But now I sent away for an Ubuntu DVD to install on the backup laptop. So I'll soon be trying out Linux.
I'm wondering if my next new laptop should have Windows 7. I've heard horrid things about Vista, and mixed things about 7.
Do you have a 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7? Does it run old XP programs? Can it run DOS programs (I hear there's something called DOS Box that allows Linux to run DOS programs).
I'm loving 7...a lot. Everyone I know who's on it has the same impression. Stable. Attractive. Easy to use. Now, if you purchase a machine with the Professional or Ultimate version (or upgrade to it if you don't), you get "Windows XP mode", which is a virtual machine running a full copy of XP Professional -- so they throw in a copy of XP with it. I installed it, but haven't used it for anything yet. It's very cool though, as it runs XP in a Window and you can set it up so your XP apps show up in 7 like regular apps, but when you click them they open up in an XP window. That said, there are few programs that don't run on 7 (or Vista for that matter, despite what you may have heard). Running a virtual machine really isn't suitable for games though, so if that is your intent it's not a great solution, but may work for some. Really, it's all about your line-of-business applications.
As for DOS, not sure about 7 support, but again, you can just run those programs in "XP Mode".
My tablet is 64-bit -- my first 64-bit machine -- and while there are still a few driver and app issues with a 64-bit version of the OS, I haven't experienced any. The vast majority of computers on sale are 64-bit, so any currently supported apps shouldn't be a problem for long.
I've heard good stuff about Ubuntu, too, but I'm not exactly sold on the benefits of Linux yet.
That's a beautiful desktop, Cliff. I'm envious. :)
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